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Legal Material

Terms and Conditions

Revised March 2024


 Please read all these terms and conditions.

As we can accept your order and make a legally enforceable agreement without further reference to you, you must read these terms and conditions to make sure that they contain all that you want and nothing that you are not happy with.  If you are not sure about anything, just phone us on  07814574703.  


1.  These Terms and Conditions will apply to the purchase of the services and goods by you (the Customer or you).  We are Simon Eggleton of 17 Danby Road, Kiveton Park, Kiveton Park S Yorks, S26 6LU  with email address;   telephone number 07814574703; (the Supplier or us or we).

2.  These are the terms on which we sell all Services to you.  Before placing an order on the Website, you will be asked to agree to these Terms and Conditions by clicking on the button marked 'I Accept. If you do not click on the button, you will not be able to complete your Order.  You can only purchase the Services and Goods from the Website if you are eligible to enter into a contract and are at least 18 years old.

Customers Responsibilities

3    You accept that treatment is offered based on the information you supply and affirm that this has been complete and truthful.

4     If you arrive more than 5 minutes late you may have to shorten or re-schedule your appointment.

5   Anti-social behaviour will cause the immediate cessation of treatment.

Fees and Payment

6  You agree to be hypnotised for therapeutic reasons, for £60 per session. A program for weight is four sessions at the upfront cost of £240, smoking cessation program is for two sessions at the upfront price of £150. A past-life regression session is one session only for £90.

6a An Additional fee for room hire per hour of £5 will be charged, which must be paid before the appointment. Room hire is only needed if you prefer a face-to-face session. The standard for sessions is online which incurs no room fee costs.

7  This price will not increase unless there is a break of more than four months between appointments. Payment should be made at least 24 hours before your appointment, and if it is not received your appointment will be cancelled.

8    You must pay by using a PayPal account or submitting your credit or debit card details using the option PayPal without an account or on request a BACS payment where the account details will be given on request with your Order and we can take payment immediately or otherwise before delivery of the Services.

9. The price you pay today will not increase unless there is a break of more than four months between appointments




10  I will always do my best to help you achieve a successful outcome of your therapy. However, you understand that the results of therapy do vary and no guarantees can be offered.

Personal Information and Registration

11. When registering to use the Website you must set up a username and password. You remain responsible for all actions taken under the chosen username and password and undertake not to disclose your username and password to anyone else and keep them secret.

12. We retain and use all information strictly under the Privacy Policy. (see 20)

13. We may contact you by using e-mail or other electronic communication methods and by pre-paid post and you expressly agree to this.


14 We will deliver the Services, over the internet using multimedia communications applications such as Zoom, Teams, and WhatsApp, at the agreed date and time agreed by both parties.

Circumstances beyond the control of either party

15 If a communications package either fails or we deem unsuitable, another media will be suggested. The appointment may be postponed until the technical problem can be resolved or a new appointment is arranged.

Withdrawal  and cancellation

16 You can withdraw the Order by telling us before the Contract is made if you simply wish to change your mind and without giving us a reason, and without incurring any liability.

17 Non-attendance: appointments can be cancelled or rescheduled, and 24 hours notice is required. If you fail to attend without notice you will be liable to pay 50% of the cost of the session.

18 You are free to end or withdraw from therapy at any time. Sessions paid for in advance but not used will be refunded on request, subject to item 18. Refunds will reflect the actual price paid. No refunds are given for weight loss sessions.




19 Your privacy is critical to us. We respect your privacy and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation concerning your personal information.

20 These Terms and Conditions should be read alongside, and are in addition to our policies, including our privacy policy ( and cookies policy (               

21. For the purpose of these Terms and Conditions:

  1. 'Data Protection Laws' means any applicable law relating to the processing of Personal Data, including, but not limited to the GDPR.

  2. 'GDPR' means the UK General Data Protection Regulation.

  3. 'Data Controller', 'Personal Data' and 'Processing' shall have the same meaning as in the GDPR.

22. We are a Data Controller of the Personal Data we Process in providing the Services and Goods to you.

23 Where you supply Personal Data to us so we can provide Services and Goods to you, and we Process that Personal Data in the course of providing the Services and Goods to you, we will comply with our obligations imposed by the Data Protection Laws:

              a.before or at the time of collecting Personal Data, we will identify the purposes for which information   is being collected;

              b.we will only Process Personal Data for the purposes identified;

              c.we will respect your rights concerning your Personal Data; and

              d.we will implement technical and organisational measures to ensure your Personal Data is secure.

24 For any enquiries or complaints regarding data privacy, you can e-mail

25 If we are working online, you accept that levels of confidentiality may be affected by factors that are beyond my control, for example, the actions or failures of the platform provider (e.g. Zoom).

26 If we are working online, you accept that it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not interrupted or overheard by others at your end of the connection. If another person is present you must inform the therapist.

26a Both working face-to-face and online sessions will be terminated if the client is suspected to be under the influence of either drugs or alcohol.

27  If we are working online you agree that we are working under the jurisdiction of the laws and regulations in force in the United Kingdom.

28 The information you give me will be kept confidential unless one of the following applies:

  1. there is a legal requirement for me to share it e.g. where the Children’s Act applies, a court order is issued or NHS test and trace provisions apply

  2. there is good cause to believe that not disclosing the information would expose you or others to a serious risk of harm

29 If you have been referred to me by your employer or GP, or if I am working with you as part of a care team, I will share prearranged levels of information with the others involved.

30 Session notes are the property of the therapist and shall be kept securely in a locked box, separate from the key.

31 Client personal details (eg gender, health history) will be kept and are available to the client with reasonable notice.

32 Please see my confidentiality policy to find out your rights under Data Protection Provisions – (see 28)

33 I occasionally share anonymous case histories with other hypnotherapists for the

purpose of supervision. Anonymous means your personal details are removed and no information that might identify you is used. If you wish to opt-out of this use of your data, please let me know in writing.

Governing law, jurisdiction and complaints

34 The Contract (including any non-contractual matters) is governed by the law of England and Wales.

35 Disputes can be submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

36 We aim to follow these codes of conduct, copies of which you can obtain as follows:  GHR Code of Ethics & Practice available from                                      

GHR Complaints & Disciplinary Procedure available from

37 If you have any questions or complaints about your therapy, you agree to talk to me about them first. If we can’t resolve the situation satisfactorily you then have access to the formal complaints procedure of the General Hypnotherapy Register, 01590-683770. My registration number is 9113



Privacy Policy

This privacy policy relates to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and how I will handle your personal information. I am a member of professional bodies that hold high ethical standards in client confidentiality, this ensures your data security is my top priority.  I gather information about you from the details you provide either in person, via email, on the phone, or through the website enquiry forms that use the Jotform platform.  You do not have to legally provide this information, but without it, we may be unable to provide the service which you desire. This collection of your personal information enables us to decide if we can provide you with treatment, book an appointment and contact you regarding your therapy. For persons under the age of 16, consent must be provided by their parent or guardian for us to use their data.


 The data I may collect could include your contact details, telephone number, name, address, email address, occupation, known phobias,  information about your symptoms, issues, experiences, your family details and background, doctor's name and address and relevant medical conditions. In line with these guidelines, you accept that when you provide me with this information, you permit me to hold and use this information to provide the service of hypnotherapy.


 Your information is securely stored in a locked box or within a password-protected area on either my computer and/or web backup storage and/or external password-protected storage devices and/or on Jotform which uses European Servers that comply with GDPR. We keep your contact details, telephone number, name, address, email address, occupation, known phobias,  information about your symptoms, issues, experiences, your family details and background, doctors name and address and relevant medical conditions for seven years which is the length of time recommended by the professional bodies and by our insurance company. We will then dispose of your information by cross-shredding all paperwork and deleting all electronic data.  


Cookies are simple text files that are saved on your computer, mobile or other devices via your Web browser. They contain small amounts of anonymous information about your interactions and usage of the website. This allows the website, through its server, to provide you with a personalized experience within this website. You can refuse the use and saving of cookies from this website onto your device’s hard drive by taking the necessary steps within your web browser’s security settings to block all cookies from this website and its external serving vendors.  Your confidentiality means that I will not disclose information about yourself to a third party without your permission, also not divulging that you are receiving treatment from any third party, and ensure your session notes are kept in a locked location or/and in a password-protected location on my computer and/or external password-protected storage devices. 


  I may be duty-bound to breach confidentiality if there is a legal requirement, such as where the Children’s Act applies, a court order is issued, or if I have good reason to believe that there is a risk of significant harm to you or another person.


You have rights over the information we hold about you. You can request that we share your information with someone else. You can ask for any inaccuracies in your records to be changed. You have the right to ask for your details to be removed from our records verbally or in writing and if we cannot comply for legal reasons we will explain this to you. You can have a copy of the information I hold on you by requesting it in writing. You can withdraw your permission to hold your information however this will mean terminating therapy.  Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You can remove your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting, 07814574703, or by writing to Simon Eggleton, 17 Danby Road, Kiveton Park, Sheffield, S26 6LU Please use this contact for any other data protection query.  


Right to lodge a complaint with the ICO.  How to complain If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at, 07814574703, or by writing to Simon Eggleton, 17 Danby Road, Kiveton Park, Sheffield, S26 6LU for data protection queries 


 You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data. Quoting my ICO Reference number C1100687.

 The ICO’s address:             Information Commissioner’s Office Wycliffe House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5AF  Helpline number: 0303 123 1113 ICO website:  


  COPYRIGHT NOTICE All design, text, and graphics are the copyright of Simonshypnotherapyroom or other copyright owners. Any unauthorised reproduction of the contents of this site without the prior written permission of Simonshypnotherapyroom is strictly prohibited. 

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