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Clock and past times

Investigate a possible past-life

with a powerful hypnotic technique in Hypnosis 

This can be loads so much fun.

Past-life Regression or Childhood Memories in Hypnosis

Ever thought that you had an affinity with a certain age period, or even perhaps a certain person?

You could investigate past-life regression. Memories of past lives or incarnations can be fairly unpredictable, and you can be highly surprised by the results. You may enter with an idea of where this may take you; however, often, it directs you on another journey.

You may choose to investigate a childhood memory, perhaps throwing more light on the subject than ever before.

This can be an enormous amount of fun, I will guide you on this journey of the mind with the power of hypnosis and will take notes as we investigate. I provide these notes as a record of this exciting service. It is one of my favourite things to investigate.

I am located in the Sheffield, Rotherham, Worksop area. The sessions are normally done online using Zoom, etc., but face-to-face is possible in a local room in Kiveton Park.

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