I had been to the surgery and spoken with the diabetic nurse. I came off my diabetic medication on the 4th of April.
Having buried my head in the sand and recognised I had diabetic burnout, I am now back on track. I take my blood sugar levels daily usually in the morning on waking, before lunch and last thing before sleep.
I record all my readings in a fantastic free App called "Blood Glucose Tracker" by Little Bytes Software. You can adjust which reading you wish to display and even add notes, which is useful. Perhaps adding in the reason why it's high and another feature to record your weight.
My weight is not moving much but I am pleased really with how my blood levels are going.
A few figures in the green which I have set to be 7mmol/L

I expected my readings to be higher after coming off medications. But it's going well, I think.
Sticking to my low-carb diet, plenty of veg, meat, cheese and dark berries. Had lovely low-carb waffles this morning after my bike ride, even better not having to cook them myself. Yesterday I did the local park run for my exercise, but remember gardening is just as good, if not probably better, exercise is not all about hitting the gym and HIIT training. Walking and swimming are fantastic.
My exercise routine involves something daily, plus I continue to aim also for my 10,000 steps.
I had a difficult Friday night which involved meeting friends at the pub for a meal. This was always going to be tricky. I ordered the mixed grill and can you believe it, left the chips that came with it. What's even better is no pudding. I Used my positive mindset to ignore the temptation.

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